Archivio Tag: london


Discover the Never Before Seen Intra-spectrum Art Installation at LiGHT 24

Visitors to the LiGHT 24 exhibition have the unique opportunity to view the never seen before , exclusively created art installation ‘Intra-spectrum’ by accomplished artist Frankie Boyle, powered by leading architectural lighting manufacturer formalighting.

BY ADV | 7 Nov 24


There’s Something for Everyone at LiGHT 24 – Register Now to Secure Your Place

LiGHT 24 is the UK’s only dedicated high-end lighting exhibition, but the event is not just for lighting designers! Welcoming individuals from all areas of the lighting, interior design and architectural communities, there is something for everyone at the show – from numerous networking opportunities through to the exclusive [d]arc thoughts talks programme.

BY ADV | 30 Ott 24



Resta sempre aggiornato sul mondo della luce. Iscriviti alla nostra Newsletter

LUCEWEB significa tendenze, scenari e innovazione della luce in relazione al design, all’architettura, alle città e all’arte. Una piattaforma editoriale integrata (cartacea, digitale e web) che racconta come la luce influenzi e cambi i luoghi del nostro abitare, la scenografia delle nostre città e migliorare l’ambiente. Ogni giorno pubblichiamo notizie per comunicare e scoprire percorsi inaspettati e sorprendenti in cui la luce è protagonista